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Optimization Your Web Pages

Website optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website in the Search Engine Result Page (SERP). Website optimization, better known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), adheres to the basic principle of giving content-based relevance to a website among the pool of websites.

Optimizing a website involves a series of processes by which the website acquires proper indexing in the database of the search engines, and thus gets ranked to the topmost position in the SERP.

Meta Tags are one of the methods used in optimizing the web page. Though not common nowadays in many of the search engines, Meta Tags still are used in the search process by certain search engines. Meta Tags are mainly used to display the brief description of a web page after the search result. Proper use of Meta Tags, thus will improve the optimization of the website.

The keyword as well as the content of the website is of prime importance to the optimization of the website. Each page should have at least 200 words with at least 4-5 repetitions of the keywords in it in proper logical order. The keyword density (number of keywords/word count) has to be in compliance with the search engine criteria. Illogical repetitions of the keywords, thus, will have a negative impact on the optimization. It is better to include one keyword in one paragraph, following the logical sequence of the matter.

Hyperlinks can improve the performance of the website. Having more relevant text links in a website enables the search engines to tag them according to the text contained in the links. It is therefore important to include the text links that have used the keywords in the link title and the related description.

Connected links enhance the page ranking. There are various partner programs available to direct other website to yours. If your website is identified as the best redirected website, it improves the page ranking of your website. If the directing websites are popular, there are more chances to improve your page ranking. However, make sure that you adhere to the search engine criteria for the same. For example, if all links from a number of websites are directing to a single page of your website, irrespective of the inappropriate content in the page, it will be assumed as ’spam’ and ignored by the search engine.

There are certain contents that are hostile to the search engine crawlers. These include the JavaScript navigators, Flash images, Forms, and Dynamic URLs. The search engines do not identify JavaScript and Flash navigations. Therefore pages that contain these features should not be given for optimization. However, in inevitable situations, you may use them by adding appropriate Meta Tags and text contents.

Pages containing Dynamic URLs and Forms face the same problems. A form page or a dynamic page, is therefore, not recommended for website optimization. However, the problem with the frames can be solved to an extent by including a ‘no-frame’ section in the frameset. Try to include the Meta Tags and maximum number of hyperlinks that will help the page to get indexed even in the presence of a form in it.

Though it is difficult to get an excellent rank in the Search Engines, you may achieve a decent result by following these thumb rules.


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